The Butterfly
The butterfly is a type of crustacean that depends entirely on the flowering plants that live above it from the first stage in its life as an egg to emerge from the cocoon. There are different types of butterflies. Scientists estimated that there are between 15 and 20 thousand species of butterflies in the world.
The butterfly goes through its life cycle on four different stages from one month to one year. Each stage is very different from the other, and is called the butterfly at its last stage of growth.
Phases of Butterfly Growth
Egg phase: The first butterfly phase begins when the mother butterfly places eggs on the leaves of the plants, fixing them with natural gum, putting several eggs side by side, round and containing a small worm hatched after five days after placing it. The larvae stage: After hatching the egg, the second stage of the life of the butterfly, which is called larvae, begins to form a long worm, with lines and spots of different colors, and begins to eat the leaves and flowers immediately, and the larva grows very quickly; Her skin changes at least four times to fit her body's rapid growth.
When the larvae are fully integrated, they enter the third stage of their life, called the larvae. The worm itself is damaged by a special green or brown substance, depending on the color of the environment, which is a form of camouflage and protection against other animals. Its shape begins to change inside the cocoon. The adult butterfly stage: In the fourth and final stage, the butterfly opens the cocoon, showing a different appearance than the butterfly shape known to everyone in its bright colors and different shapes. The butterfly then begins to pump blood to the wings until it flies in search of food and meets another mating butterfly to start a life cycle New.
Information about butterflies
waiting for the butterfly several hours after coming out of the cocoon until the body pumps blood to the wings. Butterflies live by their type from one week to one year. The butterflies have four wings. Most butterflies feed on nectar. Birdwing Butterfly Birdwing is a kind of butterflies that have big wings and fly like birds.
The king's butterfly, known as the king's butterfly, is a migratory butterflies, with a distance of more than 4,000 kilometers to lay eggs. The speed of the butterflies varies, and the butterflies are slower than others. The fastest butterflies can fly 30 miles an hour, and their slowness flies about five miles per hour. Butterflies can fly only if their body temperature is above 60 degrees Celsius.