All dogs are similar in many characteristics, most notably that they must be trained at an early age to obtain the best results. In particular, the bitpole dogs should be trained to obey as soon as possible because they are known for their hostility towards strangers, in order to avoid accidents or damage to others. Dog training methods are similar, but there is a difference in how well a dog responds to training, and we will provide the most important information on how to train petpoles in this article.
The most important steps for training petbull dogs
Here's the most important information on how to train petpoles well:
The first step to focus on when buying a dog is to allocate a specific place to spend outside the home.
The dog must be accompanied to this place when brought home for the first time and wait until the need is needed and then give him an equivalent incentive to repeat the matter.
Note: All dogs respond with the principle of equivalence of learning.
Place to rest rest
All dogs, including petbulls, prefer to have their own space to lie down and sleep when they feel tired.
This space should be allocated to the dog either inside the house or in the garden.
Training obedience
There are several orders that the educator must train his dog to obey them and is sitting, lying down, preaching and attention.
Sit down
To train the dog to sit down prefer to use the principle of equivalent to get a quick result.
In the beginning, the owner puts a piece of meat or food over the dog's head and then moves it towards the back of the dog.
In order for the dog to be hunted down, he is forced to sit on his feet, and here comes the role of the owner to issue orders.
This process is repeated several times, and each time the dog sits, the owner issues the order and rewards the dog by giving him food.
Note: Any word can be used as a command to sit, such as sit and other words.
lying down
After the dog mastered the order to sit, placed in front of his nose food and then move it down to touch the ground, then pull the food out and because the dog to follow the food, he will be forced to lie down.
Repeat the same process and each time the dog lies down, the owner issues the order and rewards the food for its proper application.
The call
This training needs to help and to give the dog a name that distinguishes it.
First the helper holds the dog and the owner stands in front of him with food, then begins to move back and preach to the dog.
When the dog shows a desire to chase the owner, the assistant should leave him, and when the dog arrives the owner will reward him with food.
This process is repeated, but each time the owner has to move further, preferably at first in a quiet place and then into crowded places.
In this training, the owner puts food in front of his eyes and orders attention to the dog, and when the dog looks directly into the owner's eyes, he rewards him with food.
During repetition, the equivalent should be delayed for several seconds for the dog to be able to observe for longer.
Note: Pitbull dogs are known for their great activity, so they must be trained and taken out on a daily basis so that they can discharge their energy. If not, they will become angry and become hostile.