The rabbits are wild animals that humans have been able to domesticate and cultivate in special environments in order to benefit from their meat and fur. Their meat is rich in protein and is superior to what is found in chicken meat. It contains vitamins such as vitamin B12, low calories and cholesterol, Iron, and belong to the rodents family of rodents; the front teeth long and strong, which helps them to bite wood and eat, and it is characterized by rapid reproduction, and speed of Gryha, and sensitivity sensitivity smells and hearing is very strong, and we will mention during this article the pregnancy of rabbit and highlighted Information about it, and how to reproduce among themselves.
Rabbit pregnancy time
The rabbit's gestation period ranges from 28 days to 33 days, approximately 31 days, on average.
The rabbit has the ability to mate at all times of the year, except for the cold areas that mate between February and October, and the female can carry eight times a year, making it fast breeding.
The female can be placed in each pregnancy from three to nine young, meaning that the total number of young people may reach between 50 and 60 per year.
When the female approaches the position of pregnancy, she quits the rest of the rabbits, digs a hole or a hole and brushes it with grass and the remains of her body, and keeps her until she gives birth, and the children are closed eyes and without fur on their bodies.
The mother takes care of them and provides them with food, protection and prevention.
After a week to ten days of birth, the eyes of small rabbits are opened.
After two weeks, their ears open and the fur begins to appear.
Children start walking and moving after 23 days to 25 days, exit from the hole and move in the surrounding environment.
At the age of four months depend on itself.
General information about the rabbit
The rabbit lives for up to seven years, some up to ten years.
The rabbit has a short frontal foot, a long, strong hind legs, and this adjustment to her legs helped her to jump long distances.
The rabbit weighs 2.5 kg and rarely reaches 7 kg, and the female is slightly larger than the male.
Rabbits spread across the globe so they can live in different environments, including the Arctic and the South.
The rabbit feeds on vegetables, fruits and wheat, and does not eat parsley because it is so sensitive to parsley that it may lead to death.
The fur color of the rabbit varies from pure white to black, brown and gray, and there are dotted, and some species are mixed with several colors.
The wild rabbit lives in holes dug in the ground. In these burrows there are several tunnels and many exits, which makes it able to escape quickly from the enemy, but some species may prefer to live on the ground